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Hack Chat gpt and sidestepping ChatGPT’s limitations

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ChatGPT Overdrive: The Prompt Hack You’ve Been Waiting For

Unlock the untapped potential – break free from ChatGPT limitations and get more out of it

Sam Olliver
In the rapidly evolving world of conversational AI, ChatGPT stands out as a valuable ally, proficient in meaningful dialogues, wit, and even insights.

However, like all great technologies, it comes with limitations – chief among them, constraints on memory and context in extended conversations.

So how do we make the most of our interactions within these bounds? Let’s dive in 🤿 👇🏼

The Mechanics of Memory: Tokens Explained

At the heart of ChatGPT’s operation lies a complex yet fascinating concept: tokens.

Think of tokens as the “currency” of conversation; they are the building blocks that enable ChatGPT to generate and understand text.

Much like a carefully managed budgettokens dictate the extent and depth of our interactions. They serve as ChatGPT’s “conversational energy,” the vital juice that powers meaningful dialogue.

The more tokens we use, the closer we are to draining this ‘energy reserve.’

Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

Why ChatGPT Forgets: A Technical Glance

The nature of tokens leads us to the subject of ChatGPT’s somewhat ‘Goldfish-like’ memory.

As conversations unfold, tokens get consumed for both user input and ChatGPT’s responses. Once the token limit is reached – a cap set for computational and practical reasons – the chatbot begins to lose the earlier parts of the conversation.

It’s like a vessel that overflows; the more you add, the more it loses from the top.

Managing Your Tokens: A User’s Guide

Fortunately, there are proactive measures we can adopt.

Imagine a prompt that functions as your token dashboard – an in-chat guide to gauge how many tokens have been used so far. Such a prompt not only keeps you informed but also allows for timely intervention to prevent conversational amnesia.

By knowing our token budget, we can spend it wisely, making each word count.

Your Lifeline: User Input Compilation

Navigating the turbulent waters of token limitations requires more than just a compass – it demands a lifeline.

This is where the concept of User Input Compilation comes into play. It enables users to keep track of key pointsquestions, or subjects discussed in the chat so far. By periodically updating this compilation, we ensure that even if ChatGPT loses memory due to token limits, we don’t lose our conversation’s essence.

A Practical Prompt: Step-by-Step Implementation

Now let’s translate these concepts into actionable steps. The prompt mentioned earlier is designed to provide:

  1. The total token count used so far, offering a numerical snapshot of the conversation’s “token budget.”
  2. User Input Compilation section, where one can list all significant inputs to date.
  3. reiteration of the first prompt to remind ChatGPT of the conversation’s originating context.

To implement this prompt that I’ve created, you simply need to insert it at intervals, thereby staying ahead of the token curve. The user input compilation section helps maintain the conversation’s core themesensuring that nothing of importance is lost:

Apply this prompt to this chat and replace placeholders with the information required. I want you to truncate what information you have supplied me with so far to ensure that this is kept in mind as we continue the chat. Please ensure that you remind yourself of user input compilation point 1 and show you have remembered this by repeating the words:

1. The total token count used so far is [total_token_count]. This indicator helps you monitor text usage in our conversation, taking token limits into account.
2. User Input Compilation:
1. [User]: [Your first message]
2. [User]: [Your second message]
3. [User]: [Your third message]
n. [User]: [Your nth message]

3. First prompt is [Your first message] and I will now ensure that the next user input has this in mind when chatgpt responds.

Write continue when you’re ready to continue the chat factoring in and reapplying: [Your first message]

By employing the prompt outlined in this article, you’re not just sidestepping ChatGPT’s limitations – you’re transforming them into a launchpad for innovationThe sky is no longer the limit; it’s just the beginning.

Thank you for reading 🤖😀

souce :



xtradereturn September 30 2023 3422 reads 0 comments Print


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