


Think of cBots as automated traders that you can customize to perform all sorts of operations based on various technical analysis signals.



 Algorithmic Trading - cTrader Community - cTrader Automate - cbots

Think of cBots as automated traders that you can customize to perform all sorts of operations based on various technical analysis signals.

In more technical terms, a cBot is a C# class with customizable parameters and methods. You can fully define its behavior including what it does on start-up, on encountering certain market conditions, and on close.

To make a cBot perform trading operations, you would need to create an instance of it and attach it to a trading chart of your choice. You can think of an instance as a reference to a specific cBot object.

cBots can also perform actions not specifically related to trading such as creating new files on your local machine. As you gain familiarity with C# and .NET, you can apply your knowledge to create advanced extensions with complex workflows.

 It allows for developing and operating custom trading indicators and cBots

cTrader Deeplinks


This documentation describes cTrader deeplinks, their use cases, and their benefits.

Deeplinks are special URLs that, upon being opened by a user, transfer said user to a certain screen in cTrader Web or Mobile. Using query parameters, it is possible to perform certain actions (e.g., switching the language of the cTrader application opened by a user) before the chosen screen is shown to traders.

The primary function of deeplinks is to facilitate the creation of custom call-to-actions (CTAs) by allowing to direct traders to certain tabs/sections inside cTrader.

Deeplinks only work for the following applications.

  • cTrader Web.
  • cTrader Mobile (both Android and iOS).

Dynamic Leverage

This section explains how the Dynamic Leverage works as well as how the Margin Used is calculated in cTrader.

The Margin Used by open positions is related to the leverage given for each position opening. Dynamic Leverage can be set to work in two very different ways.

One method recalculates the margin requirements upon each event, the other calculates the margin requirements upon opening the position and is constant throughout the lifetime of the position.

This concept is explained in this section, everything on this page is important and it is urged all traders understand this.

Leverage is the ability to use borrowed money from the broker for investment. Using leverage, you can deposit your own money and use it as a collateral to borrow much larger sums from the broker for trading.

The leverage ratio is a ratio of the deposited to borrowed funds.

The Margin is the certain amount of your own money set aside and allocated as collateral, a “good faith” deposit, required to open a position with your broker.

The size of the margin depends on the leverage applied.

Exposure is the amount of the asset at risk. The exposure is calculated per symbol and depends on the direction of trading.

The positions of the same symbol in the same direction increase the exposure, while positions of the opposite direction decrease it.

Depth of Market (DOM)

The Depth of Market is a measure of the total amount of the open Buy and Sell orders for a symbol at different prices.

The higher the number of Buy and Sell orders at each price, the higher the Depth of Market is.

The cTrader DoM feature allows tracking the Depth of Market of a required symbol in real-time and placing orders using the particular DoM settings.

Proceed to the DoM tab to the upper right to get to the Depth of Market section of a symbol.

comprehensive list of cbot algorithms ready for download

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 start algorithmically trading today


xtradereturn May 29 2023 929 reads Print